mama of the month march 23ashley beyer.PNG

Mama of the Month - Ashley Beyer

1. Where were you born?

Laguna Niguel, California

2. How did you hear about Fit4mom?

In 2019 the franchise owner at the time spoke at my Baby and Me class I was attending after I had Ellie. I tried the free class and I’m still here 4 years later!

3. What is your kiddo's name and age?

Ellie is 4 and Beckett is 2.5

4. What is your favorite treat?


5. What do you love most about FIT4MOM classes?

I love being able to bring the kids to a workout and not having to worry about them acting out at a gym. I also love how much of a role model you become to your kids, especially when they start playing “mama workout” with their doll stroller and stuffed animals!

6. What is your favorite exercise?


7. Fun fact about you?

I really enjoy making beaded bracelets. It used to be one of my hobbies before having kids and I am slowly starting to get back into it in my free time :)