
Mama of the Month - Julie Benning

1. Where were you born? Portland, Oregon.

2. Where did you meet your significant other? Online of course. (OkCupid)

3. What is your kiddo's name and age? Charlotte 18 months and stepson Evan 13 years old.

4. What is your favorite invention? I love coffee a little too much, so I'll say the coffee maker/espresso machine.

5. What do you love most about FIT4MOM classes? I had no idea how isolating being a stay at home mom can be. Add having to isolate for COVID on top of that and things can get downright depressing. I was so happy to find a group that I could have some socialization and support for both myself and my child. The workouts are awesome as well. I love that it can either be a hard core workout or lower impact.

6. What is your favorite exercise? Any kind of ab exercises are my favorite but I hate them at the same time. They are painful, but my abs are the area I need to work the most!

7. Fun fact about you? Before I had Charlotte I bought toys for a living. When my husband and I first started dating I worked in video games. Free video games helped me get in good with my future stepson!